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lamaPLC: Communication with Eastron Smart X96

lamaPLC: Communication with Eastron Smart X96 The Smart X96-5 is a high accuracy multifunction power meter that is a traditional wired 1/5A current transformer operated meter. Configurable for 1p2w, 3p3w and 3p4w systems and hosting a vast range of measuring parameters such as Amps, Volts, Power, Power and Current Demand (Sliding and fix scale options), Power Factor, imported and exported kWh, Individual harmonics, Phase sequence and a phase summary page. It is one of the most user-friendly multifunction power meters in the market form installation to end client use.

It is typical in most installations that the current transformers are mounted on the left-hand side of the breaker so P1 is facing the correct way. However, it is also possible to mount the current transformer on the right-hand side with P2 facing the breaker. This is possible due to the meter having the option to reverse the flow to correct this type of application.

The SMART X96-5 requires mains voltage inputs and external current transformers in order to operate, it is self-supplied via a internal three phase transformer, this means if any of the phases fail the meter will remain powered and does not require an external auxiliary supply. The Smart X96-5 meter comes complete with RS485 Modbus RTU and dual pulsed outputs as standard.

  • MID Certified to Class C (0.5%) accuracy
  • Designed and tested in the UK by an independent laboratory
  • 1/5A Current transformer operated
  • Individual harmonics up to 63rd level (Class 1)
  • Internal three phase power supply
  • Highly visible backlit display from all angles
  • Programmable reverse flow for right/left side of breaker CT installation.
  • Built in Modbus and Pulsed outputs

Modbus map

input registerMeasurementVariableUnitNote
30001Phase 1 line to neutral voltsFloatV
30003Phase 2 line to neutral voltsFloatV
30005Phase 3 line to neutral voltsFloatV
30007Phase 1 currentFloatA
30009Phase 2 currentFloatA
30011Phase 3 currentFloatA
30013Phase 1 active powerFloatW
30015Phase 2 active powerFloatW
30017Phase 3 active powerFloatW
30019Phase 1 apparent powerFloatVA
30021Phase 2 apparent powerFloatVA
30023Phase 3 apparent powerFloatVA
30025Phase 1 reactive powerFloatVAr
30027Phase 2 reactive powerFloatVAr
30029Phase 3 reactive powerFloatVAr
30031Phase 1 power factorFloatNonePositive: forward current, negative: reverse current
30033Phase 2 power factorFloatNonePositive: forward current, negative: reverse current
30035Phase 3 power factorFloatNonePositive: forward current, negative: reverse current
30037Phase 1 phase angleFloat°
30039Phase 2 phase angleFloat°
30041Phase 3 phase angleFloat°
30043Average line to neutral voltsFloatV
30047Average line currentFloatA
30049Sum of line currentsFloatA
30053Total system powerFloatW
30057Total system volt ampsFloatVA
30061Total system V ArFloatVAr
30063Total system power factor (1)FloatNonePositive: forward current, negative: reverse current
30067Total system phase angleFloatDegrees
30071Frequency of supply voltagesFloatHz
30073Import Wh since last resetFloatkWh
30075Export Wh since last resetFloatkWh
30077Import V Arh since last resetFloatkVArh
30079Export V Arh since last resetFloatkVArh
30081VAh since last resetFloatkVAh
30083Ah since last resetFloatAh
30085Total system power demandFloatWThe power sum demand calculation is for import - export
30087Maximum total system power demandFloatWThe power sum demand calculation is for import - export
30089Import active power demandFloatW
30091Import active power max. demandFloatW
30093Export active power demandFloatW
30095Export active power max. demandFloatW
30101Total system VA demandFloatVA
30103Maximum total system VA demandFloatVA
30105Neutral current demandFloatA
30107Maximum neutral current demandFloatA
30109Total system reactive power demandFloatVArThe power sum demand calculation is for import - export
30111Maximum total system reactive power demandFloatVAr
30161Voltage phase sequence (normal= 1, reverse=2)FloatNone
30163Current phase sequence (normal= 1, reverse=2)FloatNone
30193Nature of the load (Resistive= 1, inductive= 2, capacitive= 3)FloatNone
30195Nature of L1 load (Resistive= 1, inductive= 2, capacitive= 3)FloatNone
30197Nature of L2 load (Resistive= 1, inductive= 2, capacitive= 3)FloatNone
30199Nature of L3 load (Resistive= 1, inductive= 2, capacitive= 3)FloatNone
30201Line 1 to Line 2 voltsFloatV
30203Line 2 to Line 3 voltsFloatV
30205Line 3 to Line 1 voltsFloatV
30207Average line to line voltsFloatV
30225Neutral currentFloatA
30235Phase 1 LIN volts THDFloat%
30237Phase 2 LIN volts THDFloat%
30239Phase 3 LIN volts THDFloat%
30241Phase 1 Current THDFloat%
30243Phase 2 Current THDFloat%
30245Phase 3 Current THDFloat%
30249Average line to neutral volts THDFloat%
30251Average line current THDFloat%
30259Phase 1 current demandFloatA
30261Phase 2 current demandFloatA
30263Phase 3 current demandFloatA
30265Maximum phase 1 current demandFloatA
30267Maximum phase 2 current demandFloatA
30269Maximum phase 3 current demandFloatA
30335Line 1 to line 2 volts THDFloat%
30337Line 2 to line 3 volts THDFloat%
30339Line 3 to line 1 volts THDFloat%
30341Average line to line volts THDFloat%
30343Total kwhFloatkWhTotal kWh/ kVarh equals to Import+ export
30345Total kvarhFloatkVArhTotal kWh/ kVarh equals to Import+ export
30347LI import kwhFloatkWh
30349L2 import kwhFloatkWh
30351L3 import kWhFloatkWh
30353LI export kWhFloatkWh
30355L2 export kwhFloatkWh
30357L3 export kWhFloatkWh
30359LI total kwhFloatkWh
30361L2 total kWhFloatkWh
30363L3 total kwhFloatkWh
30365LI import kvarhFloatkVArh
30367L2 import kvarhFloatkVArh
30369L3 import kvarhFloatkVArh
30371LI export kvarhFloatkVArh
30373L2 export kvarhFloatkVArh
30375L3 export kvarhFloatkVArh
30377LI total kvarhFloatkVArh
30379L2 total kvarhFloatkVArh
30381L3 total kvarhFloatkVArh
30403Voltage 2st- 63st Harmonic L162*Float%
30527Voltage 2st- 63st Harmonic L262*Float%
30651Voltage 2st- 63st Harmonic L362*Float%
30775Current 2st- 63st Harmonic L162*Float%
30899Current 2st- 63st Harmonic L262*Float%
31023Current 2st- 63st Harmonic L362*Float%
31147Voltage Total Harmonic L1Float%
31149Voltage Total Harmonic L2Float%
31151Voltage Total Harmonic L3Float%
31153Current Total Harmonic L1Float%
31155Current Total Harmonic L2Float%
31157Current Total Harmonic L3Float%