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lamaPLC: Signal level converters

PCA9306 I²C Voltage Level Translator

With mismatched supply voltages, the best option is to use a special device to bridge the two supply voltages.

Allows voltage level translation between:

  • 1.0V Vref (1) and 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V vias (ref) (2)
  • 1.2V Vref (1) and 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V vias (ref) (2)
  • 1.8V Vref (1) and 3.3V or 5V Vbias (ref) (2)
  • 2.5V Vref (1) and 5V Vbias (ref) (2)
  • 3.3V Vref (1) and 5V Vbias (ref) (2)

Next pic shows an example of using an I2C voltage level translator to bridge the communication between two different supply voltages. There are two sets of pullups, one for each voltage level. As a common voltage translator, the PCA9306 allows for communication between different supply levels:

PCA9306 I²C Voltage Level Translator

Application of PCA9306 for I²C communication: here.

Several manufacturers produce compact modules with the PCA9306 IC. The picture below shows DollaTek's module (for example, you can find it on Amazon):

PCA9306 I²C Voltage Level Translator Modul