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LamaPLC: Simatic S7 PLC types

Simatic S7-1500 types

CPUPerformance segmentPROFIBUS
Work memory for softwareWork memory for dataProcessing time
for bit
CPU 1511-1 PNStandard CPU for smaller to mid-range applications 6ES7511-1AL03-0AB01300 kB1.5 MB60 ns
CPU 1511C-1 PNStandard compact CPU for smaller to mid-range applications 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB01175 kB1 MB60 ns16 DI, 16 DO, 5 AI, 2 AO
CPU 1511F-1 PNFail-safe CPU for smaller to mid-range applications 6ES7511-1FL03-0AB01450 kB1.5 MB60 ns
CPU 1512C-1 PNStandard compact CPU for smaller to mid-range applications 6ES7512-1CK01-0AB01250 kB1.5 MB48 ns32 DI, 32 DO, 5 AI, 2 AO
CPU 1513-1 PNStandard CPU for mid-range applications 6ES7513-1AM03-0AB01600 kB2.5 MB40 ns
CPU 1513F-1 PNFail-safe CPU for mid-range applications 6ES7513-1FM03-0AB01900 kB2.5 MB40 ns
CPU 1513R-1 PN Redundant CPU for mid-range applications 6ES7513-1RM03-0AB01600 kB2.5 MB50 ns
CPU 1515-2 PNStandard CPU for mid-range to large applications 6ES7515-2AN03-0AB021 MB4.5 MB30 ns
CPU 1515F-2 PNFail-safe CPU for mid-range to large applications 6ES7515-2FN03-0AB021.5 MB4.5 MB30 ns
CPU 1515R-2 PNRedundant CPU for mid-range applications 6ES7515-2RN03-0AB0 21 MB4.5 MB20 ns
CPU 1516-3 PN/DPStandard CPU for high-end applications and communication tasks 6ES7516-3AP03-0AB0122 MB7.5 MB10 ns
CPU 1516F-3 PN/DPFail-safe CPU for high-end applications and communication tasks 6ES7516-3FP03-0AB0123 MB7.5 MB10 ns
CPU 1517-3 PN/DPStandard CPU for demanding applications and communication tasks 6ES7517-3AP00-0AB0122 MB8 MB2 ns
CPU 1517F-3 PN/DPFail-safe CPU for demanding applications and communication tasks 6ES7517-3FP00-0AB0123 MB8 MB2 ns
CPU 1517H-3 PNRedundant CPU for demanding applications and communication tasks 6ES7517-3HP00-0AB0122 MB8 MB4 ns
CPU 1518-4 PN/DPStandard CPU for high-performance applications, demanding communication tasks and very short reaction times 6ES7518-4AP00-0AB0136 MB60 MB1 ns
CPU 1518F-4 PN/DPFail-safe CPU for high-performance applications, demanding communication tasks and very short reaction times 6ES7518-4FP00-0AB0139 MB60 MB1 ns
CPU 1518-4 PN/DP MFPStandard CPU for high-performance applications, demanding communication tasks and very short reaction times 6ES7518-4AX00-1AC0136 MB60 MB + 50 MB CPU Library1 ns
CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP MFPStandard CPU for high-performance applications, demanding communication tasks and very short reaction times 6ES7518-4FX00-1AC0139 MB60 MB + 50 MB CPU Library1 ns
CPU 1518HF-4 PNRedundant CPU for high-performance applications, demanding communication tasks and very short reaction times 6ES7518-4JP00-0AB0139 MB60 MB4 ns

color codes:

  • black: standard CPU
  • blue: compact CPU
  • orange: fail-safe CPU
  • red: redundand CPU

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