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Eastron Modbus maps

Eastron SDM630

Eastron measuring units are typically 1- or 3-phase measuring units that can be purchased at extremely favorable prices (e.g. on Amazon, Aliexpress). They are usually not MID compliant. Typically, they can be used for building automation and smaller equipment.

A surprisingly large number of measurements are performed, the status of which can either be viewed on the display or queried via remote access using the Modbus RTU protocol. Not all Modbus parameters are available with all Eastron devices.

RS485 communication interface, MODBUS RTU protocol:

32 bit (2 words) input registers

The registers are read-only.

Register Nr32 bit addressDescriptionUnit
300011Phase 1 line to neutral voltsVolts
300032Phase 2 line to neutral voltsVolts
300053Phase 3 line to neutral voltsVolts
300074Phase 1 currentAmps
300095Phase 2 currentAmps
300116Phase 3 currentAmps
300137Phase 1 powerWatts
300158Phase 2 powerWatts
300179Phase 3 powerWatts
3001910Phase 1 volt ampsVA
3002111Phase 2 volt ampsVA
3002312Phase 3 volt ampsVA
3002513Phase 1 volt amps reactiveVAr
3002714Phase 2 volt amps reactiveVAr
3002915Phase 3 volt amps reactiveVAr
3003116Phase 1 power factor (1)VAr
3003317Phase 2 power factor (1)VAr
3003518Phase 3 power factor (1)VAr
3003719Phase 1 phase angleDegrees
3003920Phase 2 phase angleDegrees
3004121Phase 3 phase angleDegrees
3004322Average line to neutral voltsVolts
3004724Average line currentAmps
3004925Sum of line currentsAmps
3005327Total system powerWatts
3005729Total system volt ampsVA
3006131Total system VArVAr
3006332Total system power factor (1)-
3006734Total system phase angleDegrees
3007136Frequency of supply voltagesHz
3007337Total Import kWhkWh
3007538Total Export kWhkWh
3007739Total Import kVArhkVArh
3007940Total Export kVArhkVArh
3008141Total VAhkVAh
3008543Total system power demand (2)W
3008744Maximum total system power demand (2)VA
3010151Total system VA demandVA
3010352Maximum total system VA demandVA
3010553Neutral current demandAmps
3010754Maximum neutral current demandAmps
30201101Line 1 to Line 2 voltsVolts
30203102Line 2 to Line 3 voltsVolts
30205103Line 3 to Line 1 voltsVolts
30207104Average line to line voltsVolts
30225113Neutral currentAmps
30235118Phase 1 L/N volts THD%
30237119Phase 2 L/N volts THD%
30239120Phase 3 L/N volts THD%
30241121Phase 1 Current THD%
30243122Phase 2 Current THD%
30245123Phase 3 Current THD%
30249125Average line to neutral volts THD%
30251126Average line current THD%
30255128Total system power factor (5)Degrees
30259130Phase 1 current demandAmps
30261131Phase 2 current demandAmps
30263132Phase 3 current demandAmps
30265133Maximum phase 1 current demandAmps
30267134Maximum phase 2 current demandAmps
30269135Maximum phase 3 current demandAmps
30335168Line 1 to line 2 volts THD%
30337169Line 2 to line 3 volts THD%
30339170Line 3 to line 1 volts THD%
30341171Average line to line volts THD%
30343172Total kwhkwh
30345173Total kvarhkvarh
30347174L1 import kwhkwh
30349175L2 import kwhkwh
30351176L3 import kwhkwh
30353177L1 export kwhkwh
30355178L2 export kwhkwh
30357179L3 export kwhkwh
30359180L1 total kwhkwh
30361181L2 total kwhkwh
30363182L3 total kwhkwh
30365183L1 import kvarhkvarh
30367184L2 import kvarhkvarh
30369185L3 import kvarhkvarh
30371186L1 export kvarhkvarh
30373187L2 export kvarhkvarh
30375188L3 export kvarhkvarh
30377189L1 total kvarhkvarh
30379190L2 total kvarhkvarh
30381191L3 total kvarhkvarh

32 bit (2 words) holding registers

The registers are read / write.

Address registerParameter numberParameterValid rangetypemode
400032Demand periodWrite demand period: 0, 5,8, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes, default 60. Setting the period to 0 will cause the demand to show the current parameter value, and demand max to show the maximum parameter value since last demand reset.Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
400116System typeWrite system type: 3p4w = 3, 3p3w = 2 & 1p2w= 1 Requires password, see parameter 13Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
400137Pulse 1 widthWrite pulse1 on period in milliseconds: 60, 100 or 200, default 100.Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatr
400158Password lockWrite any value to password lock protected registers. Read password lock status: 0 = locked. 1 = unlocked. Reading will also reset the password timeout back to one minute.Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatr
4001910Network Parity StopWrite the network port parity/stop bits for MODBUS Protocol, where: 0 = One stop bit and no parity, default. 1 = One stop bit and even parity. 2 = One stop bit and odd parity.3 = Two stop bits and no parity.Requires a restart to become effective.Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
4002111Network NodeWrite the network port node address: 1 to 247 for MODBUS Protocol, default 1. Requires a restart to become effective.Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
4002312Pulse1 Divisor1Write pulse divisor index: n = 0 to 5
0: 0.0025 kWh(kVArh)/imp
1: 0.01 kWh(kVArh)/imp
2: 0.1 kWh(kVArh)/imp
3: 1 kWh(kVArh)/imp
4: 10 kWh(kVArh)/imp
5: 100 kWh(kVArh)/imp
Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
4002513PasswordWrite password for access to protected registers. Default: 0000Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
4002915Network Baud RateWrite the network port baud rate for MODBUS Protocol, where:
0: 2400 baud
1: 4800 baud
2: 9600 baud, default
3: 19200 baud
4: 38400 baud
Requires a restart to become effective
Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
4008744Pulse 1 Energy TypeWrite MODBUS Protocol input parameter for pulse output 1:
1: import active energy
2: total active energy
4: export active energy, default
5: import reactive energy
6: total reactive energy
8: export reactive energy
Length : 4 byte, Data Format : Floatrw
46145730729reset00 00 :reset the Maximum demandLength : 2 byte, Data Format : Hexw

readable blocks in Modbus

Nr. of blockStart addressnumber of registers

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