The image above shows a HI active switch connection. In the open, resting state of the circuit, the Arduino is connected to ground through a 10 kΩ (pull-down) resistor, so it is in the LO state. By pressing the button, the power supply is connected to it (it is recommended to connect a 100Ω resistor) to the input, so it goes into the HI state.
This Power Mosfet driver use two MOSFETs in parallel and can handle currents up to 15A - 400W (25A with cooling). This module is perfect for driving DC motors, DC pumps and using a PWM signal the speed can be controlled.
// Arduino Power Mosfet Driver with Two Parallel MOSFETs #include <Arduino.h> // Pins const int pwmPin = 9; // PWM signal to the gate driver IC void setup() { // Set up pins pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // Adjust the duty cycle to control the power output int dutyCycle = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 255); // Write the duty cycle to the PWM pin analogWrite(pwmPin, dutyCycle); // Optional: Add a delay to control the update rate delay(20); }