~~NOCACHE~~ ====== LamaPLC: Humidity / temperature / air-press / gas / air-quality sensors and moduls for Arduino ====== The following tables contain a list of Arduino compatible sensors. The first table lists the sensors in ABC order, together with their technical characteristics. \\ The second table (modules) contains a list of Arduino compatible sensor modules. In many cases, the voltage level of the sensors is not the same as that of the Arduino (3.3V or 5V). Among other things, the listed modules improve this shortcoming. {{page>sensor:table_humidity_temperature_press}} ===== Arduino compatible sensor modules ===== **Humidity / Temperature Arduino moduls** \\ The temperature / humidity sensor modules contain the additional technology required for sensor ICs (voltage regulation, pull-up resistors,...) and the connection pins simplify the connection of the sensors to, for example, [[arduino:arduino_basic|Arduinos]]. The modules are typically universal and can be used for several sensors, so it's worth paying attention to which sensor is installed on the module, mainly because of the power supply (almost all sensors work with 3.3V, but not all of them work with 5V). There are often bridges used for addressing on the modules, which can be soldered in and out, and for example [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] addresses can be set with them. **Gas sensor Arduino moduls** \\ The gas sensor modules contain the additional technology required for sensor ICs (voltage regulation, pull-up resistors,...) and the connection pins simplify the connection of the sensors to, for example, [[arduino:arduino_basic|Arduinos]]. The modules are typically universal and can be used for several sensors, so it's worth paying attention to which sensor is installed on the module, mainly because of the power supply (almost all sensors work with 3.3V, but not all of them work with 5V). There are often bridges used for addressing on the modules, which can be soldered in and out, and for example [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] addresses can be set with them. |< 100% 15% 15% 20% 10% 40%>| ^Type of \\ measurement ^Name^Pics^Sensors^Description| |{{anchor:cjmcu_811}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas sensor}} \\ CO2 \\ TVOC |**CJMCU-811**|{{:sensor:cjmcu_811.png?150|CJMCU-811}}|[[sensor:sensor_gas#ccs811|CCS811]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface, address: ADDR pin low: **0x5A**, ADD pin high: **0x5B** \\ **VCC:** normally 3.3V \\ **GND:** GND \\ **SCL:** Serial Clock Line, interface to I2C \\ **SDA:** Serial Data Address, interface to I2C \\ **WAK:** Wake (active low, not connected) \\ **INT:** Interrupt (active low, not connected) \\ **RST:** Reset (active low, not connected) \\ **ADD:** 10k pull-down to GND, setting the I2C address to 0x5A \\ Arduino library: ✔| |{{anchor:dps310_modul}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:p.png|Pressure measuring}} \\ - Barometric Pressure Sensor|**Pressure Shield2Go**|{{:sensor:dps310modul.png?150|Pressure Shield2Go}}|[[sensor:table_humidity_temperature_press#dps310|DPS310]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] or [[com:basic_spi|SPI]] \\ I2C default address: **0x76** (SDO←GND) or **0x77** (SDO←VDDIO) \\ ✔ Arduino library| |{{anchor:grv_gas_sens_v2}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas sensor}} \\ CO \\ H2 \\ Alcohol (C2H5OH) \\ Hydrogen(H2) \\ Formaldehyde(CH2O) \\ Alcohol gas \\ NO²|**GRV GAS SENS V2**|{{:sensor:grv_gas_sens_v2.png?150|GRV GAS SENS V2}} |**All 4 sensors in one platform:** \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#gm102|GM-102b]] (NO²) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#gm302|GM-302b]] (alcohol gas) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#gm502|GM-502b]] (Alcohol (C2H5OH), Hydrogen(H2), Formaldehyde(CH2O)) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#gm702|GM-702b]] (Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2))|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface, default address:**0x55** \\ **VCC:** normally 5V \\ **GND:** GND \\ **SCL:** Serial Clock Line, interface to I2C \\ **SDA:** Serial Data Address, interface to I2C \\ Arduino library: ✔| |{{anchor:gy_21}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity |**GY-21**|{{:sensor:modul_gy21.png?150|GY-21}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#htu21|HTU21]] \\ [[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#si7021|Si-7021]] \\ [[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sht21|SHT21]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface (**only 1 modul**, default address: 0x40) \\ GY-21 is a reliable and durable module for detecting temperature and humidity values \\ compatible with Arduino, Atmega328p, ESP and Raspberry \\ Typical measurement accuracy temperature: +/-1°C deviation between -30°C and 90°C \\ Typical measurement accuracy humidity: +/-2% RL between 5% and 95% RL| |{{anchor:gy_68}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:p.png|Air-press measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Air-press |**GY-68**|{{:sensor:modul_gy68.png?150|GY-68}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#bmp180|BMP180]]| - [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface (**only 1 modul**)\\ - The I²C address on the BMP180 is 0x77. And it is fixed, making it impossible to add multiple sensors to the same I²C bus. \\ - Compatible with Arduino, Atmega328p, ESP and Raspberry | |{{anchor:gy_bme280}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}}{{:sensor:p.png|Air-press measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity \\ - Air press |**GY-BME280**|{{:sensor:modul_gy_bme280.png?150|GY-BME280}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#bme280|BME280]]|- [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface (**max. 2 moduls**)\\ - The module's default I2C address is 0x76, which can be easily changed to 0x77 using the provided solder jumper.* \\ - Compatible with Arduino, Atmega328p, ESP and Raspberry \\ \\ //*: To change the i2c address to 0x77, cut the trace between the middle and left copper pads with a sharp knife. Then, add a solder blob between the middle and right copper pads to short them.//| |{{anchor:gy_bmp280}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:p.png|Air-press measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Air press |**GY-BMP280-3.3**|{{:sensor:gy_bm.png?150|GY-BMP280}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#bmp280|BMP280]]|- Or [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface (**max. 2 moduls**; up to 3.4 MHz) \\ - Or [[com:basic_spi|SPI]] interface (up to 10 MHz) \\ - Current consumption of sensor BMP280: 2.7µA @ 1 Hz sampling rate \\ - The Chip Select (CSB) and Serial Data Output (SDO) pins of the BMP280 are necessary only when SPI-based (four-wire) communication is applied. I²C is a two wire interface SDA SCK. \\ - Default I²C is: 0x76 (SDO pin low) \\ - To I²C 0x77 address connect pin 6 of the module (SDO) to Vcc which would typically be the 3.3V supply \\ - Pin 5 of the module (CSB) must be connected to Vcc to select the I²C interface| |{{anchor:hdc1080modul}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity |**HDC1080 Modul**|{{:sensor:hdc1080_modul.png?150|HDC1080 Modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#hdc1080|HDC1080]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface (**only 1 modul**, default address: 0x40) | |{{anchor:htu21d}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity |TE Connectivity \\ **HTU21D**|{{:sensor:modul_htu21d.png?150|HTU21D}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#htu21|HTU21]]|20-pin Xplained Pro-compatible connector \\ [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ Xplained Pro hardware identification chip \\ Fully calibrated \\ Selectable 8- to 12-bit resolution for humidity \\ Selectable 12- to 14-bit resolution for temperature \\ Very low power consumption| |{{anchor:mprls}}{{:sensor:p.png|Pressure measuring}} \\ - Ported Pressure Sensor|Adafruit \\ **MPRLS**|{{:sensor:mprls.png?150|MPRLS}}|-|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface, default addr.: 0x18 \\ Vin - Power pin 3-5 VDC \\ 3v3 - 3.3V output, max. 100mA \\ SCL - I2C clock \\ SDA - I2C data \\ RST - Hardware reset (GND: reset)\\ EOC - End Of Conversion output \\ ✔ Arduino library| |{{anchor:mq_nnn}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas sensor}} \\ gas |**MQ-nnn**|{{:sensor:modul_mq_nnn.png?150|MQ-nnn}} \\ {{:sensor:mq_4.png?150|MQ-4}}|[[sensor:sensor_gas#mq2|MQ-2]] (flamable gas) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq3|MQ-3]] (alcohol) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq4|MQ-4]] (CH4) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq5|MQ-5]] (LPG, LNG, natural gas) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq6|MQ-6]] (LPG, iso-butane,..) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq7|MQ-7]] (CO) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq8|MQ-8]] (H2) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq9|MQ-9]] (CO, CH4, LPG) \\ [[sensor:sensor_gas#mq135|MQ-135]] (NH3, benzene)|Analog and digital signals \\ //Pinout for modul://\\ **VCC:** normally 5V \\ **GND:** GND \\ **DO:** Digital (alarm) signal, by setting a threshold value using the potentiometer \\ **AO:** Analog (measuring) signal, 0..5 V \\ //Pinout for sensor:// \\ **H-Pins:** Out of the two H pins, one pin is connected to supply and the other to ground \\ **A-B-Pins:** A pins and B pins are interchangeable. These pins will be tied to the supply voltage \\ Preheat duration minimum 20 seconds \\ Arduino library: ✔| |{{anchor:scd30_mod}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas sensor}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature sensor}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity sensor}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity \\ -CO²|**SCD-30 modul**|{{:sensor:scd30.png?100|SCD-30}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#scd30|SCD-30]]|Pinout: \\ - VDD: Supply Voltage (-0.3 V –6.0V) \\ - GND: Ground \\ - TX/SCL: [[com:basic_modbus|Modbus]]: Transmission line (Push/Pull with 3V level) [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]]:Serial clock(internal 45kΩ pull-up resistor, pulled to 3V, for higher voltages a level shifter is needed) \\ - RX/SDA: [[com:basic_modbus|Modbus]]: Receive line (Input must not exceed 5.5V) [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]]:Serial data(internal 45kΩ pull-up resistor, pulled to3V, for higher voltages a level shifter is needed) \\ - RDY: Data ready pin. High when data is ready for read-out \\ - PWM: PWM output of CO² concentration measurement \\ - SEL: Interface selectpin. Pull to VDD(do not exceed 4V, use voltage divider in case your VDD is > 4V)for selecting Modbus, leave floating or connect to GND for selecting I²C| |{{anchor:ens160_mod}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas quality measuring}} \\ Indoor Air Quality Sensor for TVOC and CO2eq Measurements |**ENS-160 modul**|{{:sensor:ens160.png?150|ENS-160 modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#ens160|ENS-160]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ default address: 0x40 \\ wiring colors: \\ - GND \\ - VCC (3.3V / 5V) \\ - SDA \\ - SCL| |{{anchor:sgp30_mod}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas quality measuring}} \\ Indoor Air Quality Sensor for TVOC and CO2eq Measurements |**SGP30 modul**|{{:sensor:sgp30_modul.png?150|SGP30 modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sgp30|SGP30]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ default address: 0x58 \\ wiring colors: \\ - GND \\ - VCC (3.3V / 5V) \\ - SDA \\ - SCL| |{{anchor:sgp40_mod}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas quality measuring}} \\ Indoor Air Quality Sensor for VOC Measurements|**SGP40 modul**|{{:sensor:sgp40_modul.png?150|SGP40 modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sgp40|SGP40]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ default address: 0x59 \\ wiring colors: \\ - GND \\ - VCC (3.3V / 5V) \\ - SDA \\ - SCL| |{{anchor:sgp41_mod}}{{:sensor:g.png|Gas quality measuring}} \\ Air Quality Sensor for VOC and NOx Measurements|**SGP41 modul**|{{:sensor:sgp40_modul.png?150|SGP41 modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sgp41|SGP41]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ default address: 0x59 \\ wiring colors: \\ - GND \\ - VCC (3.3V / 5V) \\ - SDA \\ - SCL| |{{anchor:sht40_mod}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity |**SHTxx modul**|{{:sensor:sht40.png?150|SHTxx modul}}|[[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sht20|SHT20]] \\ [[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sht30|SHT30]] \\ [[sensor:sensor_humidity_temperature_press#sht40|SHT40]]|[[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] interface \\ default address: 0x44/45 \\ wiring colors: \\ - black: GND \\ - red: VCC (3.3V / 5V) \\ - white: SDA \\ - yellow: SCL| |{{anchor:tc_10093132}}{{:sensor:p.png|Pressure measuring}} \\ - Digital barometric pressure sensor|Tru \\ **TC-10093132**|{{:sensor:tc_10093132.png?150|TC 10093132}}|-|Analog interface \\ Voltage supply: 3.3 .. 5 V DC \\ Pressure: 0 .. 40 KPa \\ ✔ Arduino library| |{{anchor:uicpal}}{{:sensor:t.png|Temperature measuring}}{{:sensor:h.png|Humidity measuring}} \\ - Temperature \\ - Humidity |**UICPAL Temp.humi.sensor**|{{hw:uicpal_sensor_1.png?150|UICPAL Temp.humi.sensor}}|-|Interface: Analog: 0-5V / 0-10V / 4-20mA \\ RS485: [[com:basic_modbus#rtu|Modbus RTU]], default addr.:1 \\ Temperature range: standard -40 .. 80℃ \\ Humidity range: 0 .. 100%RH \\ Accuracy: ±0.3℃ (0℃-65℃); ±3%RH (10%-90%) \\ Power supply voltage: 10 .. 30V DC \\ More information on LamaPLC (wiring, modbus map, ..) [[hw:temp_humi_sensor|here]]| ===== Software example ===== The easiest way to find the example program for the current sensor is in the Arduino program in the //"Library Manager"//. ===== Example to oneWire wiring with DHT-11 sensor ===== {{ :sensor:dht11_wiring.png |Example to oneWire wiring - DHT 11 sensor}} In fact, only one pin is needed to connect oneWire, it can be even the 2nd - there is no rule for this. The supply voltage should be adjusted to the table above, in the case of the **DHT 11** it can be 5V or 3.3V. ===== Example to I²C wiring with AM-2302 sensor ===== {{ :sensor:am2302_wiring.png |Example to I²C wiring with AM-2302 sensor}} For [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] communication, pins **A4 (SDA)** and **A5 (SCL)** can be used, or the two unmarked pins before the AREF pin connected in parallel with them. According to the table above, the power supply can be 5V or 3.3V. ^Arduino pin^Modul pin^Description| |3.3 V or 5 V|Vin|According to the table above, the power supply can be 5V or 3.3V| |GND|GND|-| |A4|SDA|Standard [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] connection| |A5|SCL|Standard [[com:basic_i2c|I²C]] connection| {{tag>sht20 sht21 sht25 sht30 sht31 sht35 sht40 dht11 dht20 dht22 am2302 dps310 bme280 bme680 bmp180 bmp280 si7021 tc1047a ds18b20 htu21 htu21d gy21 gy68 gy_bme280 scd30 modul humidity temperature air-press sensor i2c spi modbus onewire communication }} This page has been accessed for: Today: {{counter|today}}, Until now: {{counter|total}}