====== lamaLibrary: Power of 10 ====== A power of 10 (10 X) is any of the integer powers of the number ten; in other words, ten multiplied by itself a certain number of times. By definition, the number one is a power (//the zeroth power//) of ten. FUNCTION "powerOfTen" : Real { S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' } VERSION : 0.1 VAR_INPUT power : Real; // 10^power END_VAR VAR_TEMP count : Int; out : Real; i : Int; END_VAR BEGIN // void := 10 ^ power // A power of 10 is any of the integer powers of the number ten; in other words, // ten multiplied by itself a certain number of times (when the power is a positive integer). #out := 1.0; IF #power > 0.0 THEN // positive power #count := REAL_TO_INT(#power); FOR #i := 0 TO #count DO #out := #out * 10.0; END_FOR; END_IF; IF #power < 0.0 THEN // negative power #count := REAL_TO_INT(#power * -1.0) ; FOR #i := 0 TO #count DO #out := #out / 10.0; END_FOR; END_IF; // output #powerOfTen := #out; END_FUNCTION {{:download:poweroften.scl|Power of 10 (SCL) Download}} Main site > [[simatic:lamalib|LamaLibrary Simatic]] ===== lamaLibSimatic topics on lamaPLC ===== {{topic>lamaLibSimatic}} {{tag>TIA SCL lamaLibSimatic source_code math power_of_10}} \\ This page has been accessed for: Today: {{counter|today}}, Until now: {{counter|total}}