~~NOCACHE~~ ====== lamaPLC Communication: AS-i ====== {{ :com:asi_logo.png?120|lamaPLC Communication: AS-i}} \\ //Actuator Sensor Interface// (**AS-Interface** or **AS-i**) is an industrial networking solution (physical layer, data access method and protocol) used in PLC, DCS and PC-based automation systems. It is designed for connecting simple field I/O devices (e.g. binary ON/OFF devices such as actuators, sensors, rotary encoders, analog inputs and outputs, push buttons, and valve position sensors) in discrete manufacturing and process applications using a single two-conductor cable.\\ \\ {{ :com:as_i_1.png?150|AS-i}} AS-Interface is an 'open' technology supported by a multitude of automation equipment vendors. The AS-Interface has been an international standard according to IEC 62026-2 since 1999.\\ \\ AS-Interface is a networking alternative to the hard wiring of field devices. It can be used as a partner network for higher level fieldbus networks such as [[com:basic_profibus|Profibus]], [[com:basic_devicenet|DeviceNet]], [[com:basic_interbus|Interbus]] and [[com:basic_ie|Industrial Ethernet]], for whom it offers a low-cost remote I/O solution. It is used in automation applications, including conveyor control, packaging machines, process control valves, bottling plants, electrical distribution systems, airport baggage carousels, elevators, bottling lines and food production lines. \\ \\ AS-Interface provides a basis for Functional Safety in machinery safety/emergency stop applications. Safety devices communicating over AS-Interface follow all the normal AS-Interface data rules. The AS-Interface specification is managed by AS-International, a member funded non-profit organization located in Gelnhausen/Germany. Several international subsidiaries exist around the world.\\ ===== Sources ===== Wikipedia ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS-Interface|here]]) \\ ===== AS-i versions ===== ^feature^Version 2.0^Version 2.1^Version 3.0| ^**number of slaves**|max. 31|max. 62|| ^**I/O number**|124 I / 124 O|248 I / 186 O|496 I / 496 O| ^**signals**|Data and power supply up to a maximum of 8A (value dependent on power supply unit).||| ^maximum current consumption|65 mA / participant||| ^**wire**|unshielded, untwisted, special 2 x 1.2 mm² wire (more under [[#wires|wires]])||| ^request time per slave|150µs||| ^**maximum cycle time**|5 ms\\ |10 ms (with extended addressing, otherwise 5 ms)|| ^**analog value transfer**|through a function block|operation integrated into the master|| ^**number of analog values**|16 bytes of digital and analog values|124 analog values|| ^data transfer rate|167 kBit / s, net 53.3 kBit/s (with pauses)||| ^topology|optional, typically ring, tree, chain or bus.||| ^**type of connection**|master / slave (monomaster)||| ^**wire length**|100 m per segment, can be extended to a maximum of 300 meters with a maximum of 2 repeater (there can still only be one master in the entire network).||100 m per segment, maximum 600 m. | ^addressing|with addressing unit or automatic||| ^coding||Manchester-II / APM||| {{ :com:as_i_siemens.png |AS-i Siemens}} ===== Sources ===== Wikipedia ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS-Interface|here]]) \\ ===== AS-i topics on lamaPLC ===== {{topic>AS-i}} {{tag>bus communication as-i basic industrial_ethernet deviceNet Interbus Manchester-II APM}} \\ This page has been accessed for: Today: {{counter|today}}, Until now: {{counter|total}}